Santa Rosa de Lima - La Segunda Patrona de Filipinas

Santa Rosa de Lima In the our country, the Philippines, we are very fortunate that we are under the Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary . However, most Filipinos wrongly associate the Virgin of Guadalupe of Mexico as the Secondary Patroness of the country, which in fact, her patronage was higher - La Patrona Celestial de Filipinas (The Heavenly Patroness of the Philippines) as declared by Pope Pius XI. If we are looking back at our own history, one might be surprised that our actual Secondary Patroness of the country were two: the Roman Martyr Santa Potenciana , and the First Saint of the Americas, St. Rose of Lima. Though it is quite unlikely that she will be named as such yet if we look in our history, the Philippines was once considered as part of the Americas and when she was declared as the Patroness of the Americas, she was also declared as the Secondary Patroness in our country. Now we should have a lo...