The Apparitions of Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados de Bacacay of Albay
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Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados de Bacacay |
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Detail from the original painting of Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados de Bacacay |
The visage of the Blessed Virgin in this apparition is that the Virgin is wearing a simple white (in other depictions, it is yellowish white) and blue cloak, has a long brown hair, carrying the Child Jesus in her right arm and extending her hand in the other. She stands on a cloud and oftentimes, she is depicted wearing a blue veil in her statue and relief image while on the original painting, she sports none. Her facial expression is more of a motherly care, gazing to the Aeta visionaries.
The Events
It was January of 1901. The elders of the Aetas met in the midst of a circle of bamboo-framed lean-tos of thatched cogon grass in a kaingin they had just cleared in the cagogonan of hilly Bonga. It was dusk and the sky was rather cloudy. Hardly visible, Mayon Volcano loomed in distance. The Aetas at that time were hunting and scavenging for food for their daily needs.
It was getting dark. The elders had hardly reached their "lean-tos" when suddenly a radiant light right in their midst illuminated the whole Aeta camp that struck them. They tried to find out what that light might expose to view, but there was nothing in it that could be discerned and they were very frightened at this sight. The radiant light appeared to the poor Aetas for two more nights. Each time the fell upon their faces and were very much afraid. The whole Tribe was bothered with the phenomenon that could be attributed to a great spirit. Meamwhile sleep had fled from their eyes and they were greatly crushed by their anxieties. The captain tried to calm down his people then suggested "Let us pause and pray". However, for three nights, the whole tribe are having trouble to sleep due to this apparition.
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The original painting of Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados de Bacacay |
The council of the elders urged Capitan Domingo to see the Cura Parroco at the Poblacion. With a small escort of elders he went forth to Bacacay down the hills. He was dressed up for the occasion, like a barefooted lowlander. The rest were in their usual bahagui.
Upon arriving in town, the capitan and his escort went direct to the convento where they were to see the cura. It was half past one in the afternoon. The Cura had already taken his lunch and was now half-way his siesta. They were advised by the sacristan mayor who recognized the capitan to take their lunch first then come back to wait.
After about two hours of waiting, Capitan Domingo and his escort were ushered up the convento by the escribiente. There were people in the refectory who had just taken their merienda. Then Padre Mariano B. Bañez, Cura Parocco of Malinao, who was visiting at the time came and the people reported about the visions.
Setting aside whatever doubts and scruples he entertained at the moment, the priest thought that there might be some spiritual value in the phenomenon that should not be rejected because it can make the soul desire for virtue, that us, arouse in the believer a love of God and His Blessed Mother that may lead to self-sanctification. He then discerned that it might be an apparition of the Blessed Mother indicating her pity on the Aetas living in such misery and abandon in the hills of Bonga. Their great sufferings, so he thought, must have drawn God's tender mercies through her mediation- and this must be one such sign. Padre Bañez further thought that if a people who walk in semi-darkness have seen a great light, it might be a great mistake to give up the pursuit of a good intention in view of certain objections that occur in the mind.
Padre Mariano later exclaimed: "The Cura is sick. His economo, Padre Enrique Balana is out of town. So this is my suggestion. You go home now and assure your people that there is nothing to fear. On the contrary, there is cause to rejoice. Doubtless the Gugurang has seen your sufferings and heard your cries for help. The light that illuminated by your camp- it could be His glory shining on you. But come back after two months. By that time there may already something definite on the matter."
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Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados de Bacacay |
The making and enshrinement of the image
Padre Bañez reported everything he had heard from Capitan Domingo to his uncle, Padre Mariano B. Bersola, in the presence of Padre Balana. "Let us enter into the wishes of our loving mother in appearing to the Aetas." Padre Bersola said to set the predominant mood of the conversation. The three priests, moved by holy zeal, discussed the matter thoroughly.
Padre Bañez contacted a local painter, Quirino Sanchez, to whom he related the story of Capitan Domingo and commisioned him to describe vividly the phenomenon on canvas. Thus, between February and March of 1901, the painter tried, as a labor of love, to express in oil painting the beautiful story he heard. As if by divine inpulse, he depicted the compassionate Blessed Virgin holding the holy Infant in her left arm and beckoning to her with her right hand several Aetas some of whom were kneeling and others standing with bowed heads in silent veneration of the mother and child as the people described it.
When Capitan Domingo went to the convento in April 1901, Padre Bañez happened to be there again and had the pleasure of showing him the painting of Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados (Ina nin Napapabayaan). Of a sudden, face glowing with wonder and delight, the capitan and the priests knelt before the image in deep respect and veneration. It was later decided that a Chapel will be built on the apparition site and for the meantime, her image stays in the church. Padre Bersola has already reserved the side altar to the left of the church, where it will be installed for everybody's veneration after blessing.
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Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados de Bacacay |
Since the enthronement of the image of the Virgin of Bacacay, numerous miracles were reported through her intercession and the apparition site became on of the most cherished sites in Bicolandia where the Mother of God graced her presence to the Aetas of the region.
Church Recognition
In 1957, Bishop Flaviano B. Ariola decreed that the Original Image of Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados be permanently enshrined in the Bonga Chapel. As of this writing, public veneration to the Virgin under this sobriquet and pilgrimages to the apparition site is permitted and it is said that the events were given a positive sanction and allowing public devotion and veneration of the Virgin under this title by Bishop Lucilo Quiambao in 2007. Her feast day is celebrated every August 31.
The reported appearance of the Virgin of the Forsaken in Bacacay shows that how Our Lady really cared for the forsaken children of the society. What can we learn from this event? The reported apparition shows us that we should always bear in mind those who are mostly ignored by our modern society and do whatever means to help them and show compassion to them - Just like what she did.
Nuestra Senora de Los Desamparados de Bacacay, Pray for us!
Escober, Mariano T. (2001), "Our Lady of the Forsaken Bongga, Bacacay, Albay", Sta. Rosa de Lima Parish, Albay
Special Thanks to Mr. Romulo Balisnomo and Mr. Victor Asis Boholano for the account of the events and for the owners of other photos that were utilized for this blogpost.
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