Santo Niño de Batangan - The Black Santo Niño of Batangas

Santo Niño de Batangan
In the busy yet historic City of Batangas, there one can find the historic Minor Basilica of the Immaculate Conception which became one of the most visited pilgrim sites in the province. The Minor Basilica enshrines two of the most important miraculous images of the city: the ivory image of the Immaculate Conception, the Patroness of the City and the famed black image of Santo Niño de Batangan. The dark image of the Child Jesus became one of the most well known focal points of devotion in the City and province of Batangas and enjoyed much devotion for centuries.

The image

The famed black image of Santo Niño de Batangan is that of black image of the Child Jesus which is said to be a replica of the famed image of Santo Niño de Cebu. The image is standing on a base, wears a set of metal vestments: a metal dress and a butterfly-styled cape. The image also sports a crown, holding a globus cruciger and his left hand is in gesture of blessing.

The origins
The original image of Santo Niño
de Batangan

It is said that the image arrived through a galleon voyage going to Manila from Cebu. It is believed that the image was said to be a hundred years old, was a faithful replica of the Santo Niño de Cebu. Old folks say that it was washed ashore from the wreckage of a ship that had caught fire at sea; thus, it is said, its dark color. The image was rescued and it was enthroned in the old church of Batangas City.

Another story would recount that a few months later after  a deaf-mute child who was playing along the shores when he saw the image floating in Calumpang River. It said that during this time that the replica image of Santo Niño de Cebu was said to be missing and it was washed ashore back in Batangas. Several attempts were made to retrieve the image but on each attempt, a storm or a big wave would happen and it was taken as a sign that the image wanted to stay in Batangas City.

The new image of Santo Niño
de Batangan
The tragic fire

The ancient image, which the people fondly called "Santo Niñong Sunog", lived up to it's name when a fire in the convent completely destroyed the image in 1999. A replica was soon made, painted in a blackish burnt color, to take the original's place. The ashes and the original boots of the original image was kept in the new image's base. Despite of what happened, the devotees would refer the new image as the "original" as of the incident did not happened and showed that the incident did not dampen the devotion of the people.

The devotion
The image of Santo Niño de Batangan in procession

The devotion to the dark skinned image of the Child Jesus of Batangas continued to flourish and develop as the years passed by. The Feast of the Santo Niño de Batangan is celebated every January 16, the date which is believed to be the day the image first arrived in Batangas City. The festivities will begin with a fluvial procession of the image that took place every January 7, the first day of the novena.

Pilgrims continued to flock the Basilica Minore to give homage to the Black Child Jesus of the City. Despite of the tragic incident of the original image, the devotion continued which showed the resilience of the Batangueño on everyday hardships and the devotion cemented this trait.


Nobena sa Karangalan ng Santo Niño de Batangan, Basilica Minore de la Inmaculada Concepcion, Batangas City, 2000.


Patt Laurence Delizo


Dela Cruz, Erico
Daquioag, Michael Angelo
Delizo, Patt Laurence

Special thanks to Patt Laurence Delizo +AM+DG+


  1. In hard times like these, Santo Nino, Holy Child Jesus, please deliver us!

  2. There is a "Dalit sa Mahal na Poong Santo Nino", which seems to harken back to old days when people depended solely on the seasons for planting. I wonder if anyone has its history as well.


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