Los Santos Contra la pestilencia - The Saints against pestilence and plagues

San Roque de Caloocan, El Divino Rostro de Naga, Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje de Antipolo The early part of 2020 became one of the most devastating for the books because it was during this period that the a new deadly virus was detected, the COVID-19 or more popularly known as corona virus that came from China that is spreading rapidly throughout the world in breakneck speed. Unfortunately, the Philippines was one of the countries that were affected and the number of cases are rising at an alarming rate. The Philippine Catholic Church became wary on the situation that the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines issued cautionary measures and dispensations for the safety of the faithfula side from the issuance of an oratio imperata for this cause. In this blogpost, we are going look on some pages from our Church history to know how the faithful cope and acted with such health issue and most specifically, the intervention of some of the country's Patrons ...