Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Manila - The Queen and Refuge of the Poor

Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Manila
In the hidden yet busy area of Camba, located in between Tondo and Binondo in Manila, there is a little church that has been the refuge of the people, especially the marginalized of Manila for centuries. This hidden church in this side of Manila is dedicated to the its miraculous patroness, the centuries old image of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Manila.

This centuries old icon of the Virgin of Solitude that is venerated there became the comforter of the afflicted and refuge of the poor for centuries and miracles were reported through her intercession up to the present. The people of Camba have grown to love their patroness that even with their limited resources, they were able to give her the best gifts to their precious and priceless treasure.

The Icon

The icon of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Manila was an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in her attribute as the Virgen de la Soledad (The Virgin of Solitude) where she wears the mourning regalia of a Spanish noblewomen, known as the "Vestida de Luto" where widows wear a black veil and dress and a white wimple to that surrounds the face and covers the neck up to the chest. In the case of the image, it shows the Virgin wearing an alternative version of the "Vestida de luto", she wears a white long dress and inner veil and it is covered with a long black veil.

Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Manila
in her wooden frame
The image of the Virgin of Solitude depicts the Blessed Mother in her most desolate episode in her life. This is the time between Jesus’ horrible death on Good Friday and His glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday. She has been widowed by St. Joseph and has just witnessed Her Son’s Passion, Crucifixion and Death. The Virgin is also depicted looking downwards, contemplating the events of her Son's Passion from the day Jesus left for Jerusalem, His agony, His Passion and death on the Cross up to His burial.

Unlike the other popular icons of the Virgen de la Soledad in the country, the icon was painted on wood, which is evident with crack on the face of the Virgin which is typical to any wooden image. The image was painted over a gold background and surrounded with metal accessories from the crown, curtain, the angels, a galleon, a platform, and the diagnostic Arma Christi (Instruments of Christ's Passion). The Virgin herself was accessorized with a rostrillo on her face, a Cross pendant and a pierced heart on her chest.

An old photo of Nuestra Señora de
la Soledad de Manila
The Origin of the Icon 

Though not much is known of the image due to the scant records of her origin, it is said to have been honored since 1884. Yet is believed that the image already existed even before 1884 and and it is also believed that it was brought by the navigators from Manila - Acapulco Galleon Trade since the chapel was built near the port area of Pasig River and a spot near its banks, called "Postigo de Nuestra Señora de Soledad" was also believed to be named after her.

The Parish
The chapel, then made of wood and adobe, was dedicated to the Virgin of Solitude of Camba was built even before 1884 until it was completed in 1887, as prescribed in the old bell of the Visita that is still in existence up to this day. During the earthquake of 1880’s that destroyed Intramuros to the ground, the chapel of the Virgin was miraculously spared.
Due to the miracles of the Virgin and the strong devotion of the people, the area was later called “Barrio Soledad” Years later, the place was renamed “Camba” in honor of Governador General Andres Garcia Camba who ruled from 1837 - 1834.
The original structure
On April 30, 1911, the land where the chapel was located was formally donated to the Archdiocese of Manila and in 1928, with the help from the Parish of Santo Niño de Tondo thru Msgr. Jose Jovellenos, the regular Sunday Masses began. In 1944, the chapel became a temporary church for the people of Binondo during the Second World War for it was only the chapel and the Parish of the Sto. Niño de Tondo that were spared in the area.
Since the 1970’s up to the 1990’s the people petitioned for the elevation of the Chapel to a full Parish, yet it was failed to materialized due to some circumstances yet during the end of 1996 to early days of 1997, religious and civil organizations were founded before it became a Sub-Parish of Sto. Niño de Tondo that same period.
The  parish at present

On July 16, 2009, former Archbishop of Manila, Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales formally decreed the elevation of the chapel to a Parish and the Canonical Erection took place on August 31, 2009. For the Canonical Erection of the Parish, the image of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Manila was brought out from her shrine for a fluvial parade in Pasig River from Postigo del Nuestra Señora de la Soledad to Muelles street in Delpan for the procession. Later in 2016, the parish was formally consecrated headed by the current Archbishop of Manila, his Eminence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle and Archbishop Emeritus Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales.
Close up details of the Virgin

The Plight of her people
After the war, the area of Camba were later occupied with informal settlers and shanties due to the damages of war and fires in Delpan and other parts of Tondo and the number of inhabitants increased that since 1965, the city government of Manila planned to demolish the area but the people relented and protected the area, most especially the Chapel of the Virgen de la Soledad where the people grew to love the Virgin and these plans were changed and instead improved the lives of the community there and as well as improving the Chapel of the Virgin.
The December 28 Tragedy
Originally, the fiesta of the Virgin was set every December 28, the Feast of the Holy Innocents, yet in 1930, while the devotees were celebrating merrily the fiesta, the wings from the children’s costume who were playing the role of angels for the fiesta got burned that caused their death. A year later, the fiesta was moved to January 1st, New Year’s Day, which was later declared as the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.
The Episcopal Coronation

On the 130th anniversary of the founding of the Church of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Manila, His Eminence Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle, Archbishop of Manila, granted the Episcopal Coronation of the Virgin of Camba and a joyous and grand preparation took place days before the coronation. The image was transferred to Manila Cathedral on July 4, 2017 for a Triduum and a Traslacion of the Virgin from Intramuros took place before her Coronation in her Parish, led by Cardinal Tagle and His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales.

Veneration and its Strong Devotion

Miracles have also been attributed to this mysterious icon. It is said that the entire neighborhood where it resides has always been protected from the fires which gutted the Binondo area many times. The Camba district has also been spared from other kinds of calamities and even the ravages of wars. Soledad de Camba’s feast day is every January 1. The parish also celebrates its Founding anniversary thru a Marian procession that is held every Third Sunday of July. Recently, Camba area became a stop over of the Traslacion of the Black Nazarene where the icon will emerge from the crowds to meet the Senor Nazareno of Quiapo and this rite is known as "Sungaw", a combination of two Filipino words "Sulyap" and "Dungaw", in reference to the meeting of the Mother and Son on the way of the Cross.

The devotion to the Virgen of Solitude of Manila continues to develop and gaining much attention from Marian devotees across the country due to the miracles that she wrought to her people. The Virgin chose to be with the poor and the marginalized for she herself experienced their pain and suffering in silence and she gave her unconditional love to them. Despite the hardships of the people of Camba, the Virgin never let them down and she strengthen the faith of the people that inspired them to improve their lives each day, both temporally and spiritually.
Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Manila, Ipanalangin mo kami!


 Atanacio, Joseph Vincent, Our Lady of Solitude, Retreived from
 Parish of Our Lady of Solitude, 130 Taon ng Biyaya, Ang Kasaysayan ng Nuestra Señora de la Soledad de Manila.
Virgen de la Soledad in the Philippines, Retreived from


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