Virgen de Los Remedios de Pampanga - The Queen and Mother of Pampanga

Virgen de Los Remedios de Pampanga 
In the historic province of Pampanga, known for its colorful yet vital role in the history of the Philippines and its nationhood, the Capampangans took pride of their beloved Patroness that saved the province from Communism and became the cause of unity - Virgen de Los Remedios, the Indu (Mother) of Capampangans.

Since the inception of the Crusade led by the late Bishop Cesar Ma. Guerrero, the Virgin had shaped and changed the course of history in Pampanga and the Kapampangans in turn loved their beloved Indu so much through their strong devotion to her that persists to this day.

The image

The lovely image of the Virgen De Los Remedios de Pampanga was that of a de vestir image of the Blessed Virgin Mary with her hands are in position of offering, a unique distinction of the Virgin to the rest of the images under the title of "Our Lady of Remedies". The Virgin has a lovely expression that the beholder would have the impression of a motherly gaze from the Virgin. The Virgen is vested with beautifully made regalias given by her devotees and sports a crown and scepter - a symbol of her role as Queen.

The face of the Virgin
The image at present is enshrined at the Chapel- Shrine dedicated to her at the Archdiocesan Chancery of the Archdiocese of San Fernando, Pampanga - a few blocks away from the Cathedral of San Fernando, the seat of the Archdiocese.

Pampanga during its darkest hour

On December 11, 1948 a new Diocese sprang from the Archdiocese of Manila---the Diocese of San Fernando of Pampanga, (it would later became an Archdiocese ) A learned, young and highly spirited prelate, the Most Reverend Cesar Ma. D. Guerrero, D.D. was formally installed as its bishop on September 8, 1949. During Bishop Guerrero’s pastoral visit to the diferrent parishes in the Diocese, he noticed that the Province was rich in natural resources, especially agricultural, yet is was the breeding ground of Socialism before and after the Second World War. Pampanga became the center and source of Communism---the towns of the province were under the continual threat of Communist bands who wandered all over, and the people were constantly exposed to the violent encounters. Many families have fled to other places to seek sanctuary and save their lives. The sight of this chaos and reign of terror in the province coupled with the knowledge that the Capampangans so profoundly religious were at odds because of a lack of mutual understanding and friendly relation between different social classes, thus, the Bishop uttered in Spanish: "Aqui en la Pampanga hay mucho piedad Pero poca caridad" (English translation: Here in Pampanga, there is much piety but less charity.)

The procession of the Virgin during the Crusade
The Movement that would change Pampanga

To remedy the surging tide of the social unrest in the province, Bishop Guerrero founded the Crusade of Charity and Goodwill in 1952 in the Rectory of San Guillermo Parish, Bacolor, Pampanga. The Crusade would take a gigantic task of charity which would changed Pampanga for the better.

The Cruzada's committee appointed seven women of charity called Damas de Caridad who are reputed for their charity and goodwill were selected from the Cream of Pampanga. The Damas de Caridad took charge of collecting “Lamac” (offeringsin kind for the poor). The “lamac” awakened the generosity of the Capampangans such that even the poor shared the little blessings that they have. Seven, a sumbolic number, was chosen by the Bishop to signify the seven sorrows of the Blesed Virgin. The crusade was placed under the Patronage of Our Lady of Remedies.

Virgen de los Remedios de Baliti
The first image of the Crusade
Due to the success of the first round of the Crusade, on November 23, 1954, a new decree of the Crusade was issued that the crusade will be renamed to "Crusade of Penance and Charity." The image of the Santo Cristo del Perdon was added to accompany the procession to inspire repentance of sins and renewal of life among the people. Seven Caballeros de Cristo were appointed. Processions of the Crusade were accompanied by seven symbolical lanterns. The Caballeros de Cristo took turns in carrying the image of the Crucified Christ. Number seven was again chosen by the Bishop to signify the seven Archangels who adore the Triune God.

The Patronage of Virgen de Los Remedios

On one of the meetings of the Crusade, it was suggested by the Bishop and was agreed upon that the Crusade will be placed under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin and the title Virgen de los Remedios was chosen, because it appeals more to the common people especially to the poor than any other title of the Blessed Mother, besides this title will be invoked to remedy and cure the social ills of the province. The image of the Virgen de los Remedios in the parish of Baliti was designated to accompany the Crusade all over Pampanga

On April 15, 1952, the image was brought to the house of the recamadera, Doña Jacinta Tayag in San Vicente, Bacolor. The image was placed on a portable templete (andas) which she donated. The templete was devised and made in Catholic Trade Center in San Fernando.

A successful Crusade 

The Bishop, with full confidence in the Mother of God who is always ready to come to the aid of people, inaugurated the Crusade of Charity and Goodwill on May 1, 1952 in the town of Masantol. The one month crusade in each parish commenced with the arrival of the Virgen de los Remedios. Pampanga Governor Rafael Lazatin together with Bishop Guerrero, the mayors and priests of the towns being visited were united in welcoming the Blessed Virgin. The Governor and Bishops repeatedly delivered the message on the need of charity among Capampangans as the only way for lasting peace. Missions and catechesis were given, Holy Masses were celebrated, priests patiently waited for peninents for confessions, rosary was prayed for twenty four hours, “lamac” kept on multiplying immensely, the love and concern for the poor flourished.

Virgen de los Remedios de Baliti duing the first
rounds of the Crusade
It was through these that peace in Pampanga was restored, and faith grew and was strengthened because of the constant prayers and penance of the people of the province. Her transfer from one town to town to another was inspiring manifestation of the people’s devotion. Solemn processions voluntarily attended by the majority of the townspeople accompanied her as she brought from one town to the next. All these were attributed through the intercession of the Virgen de los Remedios. The Indu ning Capaldanan (the Virgin of Remedies) gained meaningful importance in the life of the Capampangans.

A setback

After the first round of visits of the Virgen de los Remedios, the Crusade was put to test. The people of Baliti wanted and insisted that the image would remain in their parish. Bishop Guerrero wrote Fr. Generoso Pallasigui a letter dated October 15, 1954 that the image of the Virgen de los Remedios which was used to accompany the first round of visits of the Crusade had to be returned to stop the complaint of the people ad that a new image of the Virgen de los Remedios would be carved to start the second provincial journey of the Crusade and the good Bishop had already forgiven the people who had uttered words against him.

The new image of Virgen de Los Remedios de Pampanga 
The new image

To continue the interrupted Crusade, Mr. Victoriano Siongco of Catholic Trade Center in San Fernando was commissioned by Bishop Guerrero to carve a new beautiful image. A ”Congreso Mariano ning Capampangan” (Marian Congress) which was held in Angeles City on November 23-25, 1954 ushered the second round of visists of the new image of Virgen de los Remedios.

To promote devotion to the Blessed Virgin, a newsletter was published by the Diocese. And to express Capampangan’s deep devotion to the Blessed Mother, a Himno Oficial of the Virgen de los Remedios was written by Mr. Felix Punsalan of San Matias while the Music was composed by Mr. Gaudencio Malig of Vacolor. The Official Hymn was approved by Msgr. Cosme Bituin, the Vicar General of the Diocese then.

The Crusade went on with the Blessed Virgin’s visit from one place to another was an inspiring manifestation of the people’s devotion. Pampanga which was once a province of unrest and violence restored its peace. The "Lamac", the alms and gifts offered to the Virgin as “pabacal” (offering) when she leaves one town were given to less fortunate of the next town she visited, the uninterrupted recitation of the rosary, at all hours of the day, from village to village, all these were done for the conversion of sinners and peace of the world.

As a sign of one’s deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin, each Capampangan home had little shrines of their bloved Indu. Replicas and Estampas of the Virgen de los Remedios are displayed on their front windows whenever the Blessed Virgin visits their town as sign s of welcoming the Holy Mother of God in their lovely abodes.

The Solemn Canonical Coronation of
Virgen de Los Remedios de Pampanga 
The Canonical Coronation

The Government Officials and the faithful of Pampanga made resolutions requesting Bishop Guerrero to make representations which Ecclessiastical Authorities for the Canonical Coronation of the image of the VIrgen de los Remedios. On the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, February 11, 1956, Bishop Guerrero submitted the Petition to His Eminence Federico Cardinal Tedeschini, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Architecture, Vatican City, requesting His Holiness Pope Pius XII to grant the petition of the Province of Pampanga the Canonical Coronation of the Pilgim Virgin, the Mother of Pampanga. On July 15, 1956, dring the eighteenth year of the Pontificate of Pope Pius Xii, the Vatican issued the Decree on the Canonical Coronation of the Image of the Virgen de los Remedios.

On Spetember 8, 1956, an estimated 70,000 devout Catholics, flocked to the provincial grounds of the province and braved the stormy weather for the Canonical Coronation of their revered Patroness, the Indu Ning Capaldanan. The Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines, Most Rev. Egido Vagnozzi, assisted by the Honorable Governor Rafael Lazatin, crowned the image of the Blessed Virgin - a fitting honor given by the Holy See to the Virgin who united and saved the whole province of Pampanga from the claws of Communism and social division.

The procession of Virgen de los Remedios de Pampanga
The Devotion

Every September 8 (the Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary), the anniversary of her Canonical Coronation is also served as her feast day that is being observed by the Capampangans up to this day. The celebration of her Coronation anniversary and feast day begins with a Traslacion from the Archdiocesan Chancery chapel going to San Fernando Cathedral followed by a 9 day novena. On the day of the coronation anniversary/feast day the Virgin is brought to a chosen venue for the re-enactment of the Canonical Coronation of the Queen and Mother of Pampanga. At present, there were two replicas of the Virgen de Los Remedios who continues the mission of the Crusade and the Crowned image is enshrined to her chapel.

The Traslacion of Virgen de Los Remedios de Pampanga from the
Archdiocesan Chancery Chapel
The Virgen de los Remedios, who has been revered with most tender devotion, is enshrined in th hearts of every Capampangan. With such faith and enthusiasm, the people had continually thronged her shrine to ask for her intercession and protection. The Virgin became the unifying figure of the province that almost crumble through the rise of Communism in the province and restored the Catholic faith of the province. The story of the beloved Mother and Queen of Pampanga would hopefully inspire the whole nation to take the example of the Capampangans who sought the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary to inspire the Filipino nation to be united through our concern for the poor and strengthening our Catholic faith that lead to peace.

Virgen de Los Remedios, Indu Ning Capaldanan, Tula Ning Campampangan, Ipanalangin mu cami!


Barcelona, Mary Anne.(2004) "Ynang Maria: a celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the    Philippines." Ed. Consuelo B. Estampa, P.D. Pasig City, Anvil Publishing Inc.
Delos Reyes, Michael P. (2015) "Salve Regina: On Crowning image of the Virgin Mary", Diliman,  Quezon  City, Claret Communications Foundation Inc.
Espiritu, Charles Henry C. (2009), "History of the Crusade of Penance and Charity and the Canonical Coronation of Virgen de Los Remedios", University of the Assumption Press, Pampanga.


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