San Juan Bautista de Liliw - The Watchful Patron of Liliw, Laguna

San Juan Bautista de Liliw
In the historic town of Liliw, located in Laguna province, is known for the historic red bricked church dedicated to St. John the Baptist, the cousin and precursor of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The locals have a grown a great devotion to St. John the Baptist for years with numerous miracles that he wrought to his devotees.

The image

There were two images of St. John the Baptist venerated in Liliw, Laguna, the first was the young San Juan Bautista that is venerated every June 24, the Feast of the Birth of St. John the Baptist and the famed grown up image of St. John the Baptist made of ivory that is venerated, especially on his feast day, August 29, the day of his Martyrdom that is considered as the town fiesta.

The image of the Child St. John the Baptist is sitting on a rock, vested in a beautiful set of clothes, holds a shepherd staff and tends a sheep. The beautifully carved ivory image of the grown up St. John the Baptist is standing upright, wearing fur and leather, and holds a staff with a banner to symbolize his role as the Precursor of Our Lord.

The Life of St. John the Baptist

St. John the Baptist was born through the intercession of God to Zachariah and Elizabeth, who was otherwise too old to bear children. According to scriptures, the Angel Gabriel visited Elizabeth and Zachariah to tell them they would have a son and that they should name him John. Zachariah was skeptical and for this he was rendered mute until the time his son was born and named John, in fulfillment of God's will. When Elizabeth was pregnant with John, she was visited by Mary, and John leapt in her womb. This revealed to Elizabeth that the child Mary carried was to be the Son of God.

The Child St. John the Baptist
of Liliw, Laguna
John began public ministry around 30 AD, and was known for attracting large crowds across the province of Judaea and around the Jordan River. When Jesus came to him to be baptized, John recognized him and said, "It is I who need baptism from you."

Jesus told John to baptize Him anyway, which he did, whereupon the heavens opened, and the Spirit of God was seen like a dove. The voice of God spoke, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." John instructed his followers to turn to Christ, calling Him the "Lamb of God" and these people were among the first Christians.

Following his baptism of Christ, John's popularity grew so much that he alarmed King Herod. Herod ordered him arrested and imprisoned. John spoke with Herod on several occasions and condemned his marriage to his half-brother's wife. This condemnation would be his downfall as King Herod promised to grant a wish to his daughter. In revenge for John the Baptist's condemnation of her mother's scandalous marriage to Herod, she asked for John's head. King Herod reluctantly obliged. John the Baptist died sometime between 33 and 36 AD.

John the Baptist's feast day of his birth is June 24, and the feast of his martyrdom is August 29.

His home in Liliw

Parish of St/ John the Baptist, Liliw, Laguna
Liliw was established as a reduccion by Franciscan priests Fray Juan de Plasencia, OFM and Diego Oropesa, OFM in 1578. It was annexed as a visita of Nagcarlan until it became an independent parish with Father Miguel de San Lucas, OFM as first parish priest in 1605 by the Franciscan missionaries. The first church was built in wood in 1620. The church of Liliw was dedicated to St. John the Baptist. A stronger stone church was built from 1643 to 1646 and was partially destroyed during the 1880 Luzon earthquake. It was reconstructed in 1885 and was partially burned in April 6, 1898.

The most prominent and notable part of the church is the façade is made of striking red bricks and adobe. On top of the wooden door entrance is a white sculpted image of the Baptism of Jesus by St. John the Baptist. It also contains stained glass images along with red bricked columns.


One of the most notable miracle of San Juan Bautista of Liliw, Laguna took place so time during the Spanish era. It is said that the people of Liliw at that time grew were in distress for the June harvest was not much as they have expected. The townsfolk of Liliw initially wanted to replace St. John the Baptist as the Patron of Liliw. However, a strong typhoon hit the town and that it almost destroyed the homes and the livelihood of the whole area. The people then realized that San Juan Bautista did not want to be replaced as the Patron of the town.

San Juan Bautista de Liliw
As an act of reparation, the townsfolk decided to change the fiesta date of San Juan Bautista from July 24, the Feast of his birth, to August 29, the Feast of his Martyrdom and birth to a new life in heaven. The people of Liliw also immediately commissioned the current Ivory image of San Juan Bautista that still can be seen today. It is also interesting to note that on the Feast of the Maryrdom of San Juan Bautista was also the foundation day of the town of Liliw on August 29, 1571.

The Devotion

The devotion to San Juan Bautista of Liliw, Laguna continues to be strong and grow over the past centuries. As of today, the Parish of Liliw is one of the few Parishes in the country that the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist is celebrated as its town fiesta.

What can we learn on the devotion to St. John the Baptist? In a manner similar to how God sent St. John the Baptist, we too are called and sent by God to give witness to the light. No, we are not all called to live in a literal dessert nor are we called to dress and eat exactly as he did. But, we are all called to a life of self-denial, choosing instead the Creator as first in our lives over the created. Doing so might cost us something of the world… our place, our job, our friends, our worldly advantages and acclaim, and even the ultimate witness, martyrdom. But what we gain is the approval  of God and everlasting reward in Communion with Him.

San Juan Bautista de Liliw, Pray for us!


Huerta, Felix de (1865). Estado geográfico, topográfico, estadístico, histórico-religioso. Binondo: Imprenta de M. Sanchez y Ca.
"St. John the Baptist Church at Liliw". Retrieved June 26, 2018.
"The simple pleasures of life in Liliw". Retrieved June 26, 2018.
"Tourist Spot in Liliw, Laguna". Retrieved June 26, 2018.

Credits to the owners of the photos that were utilized to this blogpost. +AM+DG+


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