Santo Niño de Tribunal - El Gobernadorcillo of Paete, Laguna

Sto. Niño de Tribunal of Paete, Laguna
In the historic town of Paete, Laguna, famous for its carving industry that continues to this day is also known for its rich traditions and devotions, just like its neighboring towns of Pagsanjan, Lumban, Pakil, Pangil and Siniloan. The historic Church of Paete Laguna is a repository of numerous centuries old traditions, miraculous centuries old images from Santiago Matamoros (the Titular patron of the parish), Santo Entierro, Santo Bambino (venerated every Christmas) and notable artworks liek the twin paintings of San Cristobal, the paintings of Jose Dans, the carvings of Mariano Madrinan among others.

In this blogpost, we will introduce here one of the most important devotions of the ancient town that almost vanished through time and certain circumstances until recently, efforts of its revival took flight - the devotion to Señor Santo Niño de Tribunal, then one of the most celebrated devotions in Paete, Laguna.

The image

The venerable image of Santo Niño de Tribunal is a de tallado image of the Child Jesus styled as a gobernaddorcillo de naturales (mayor) of a pueblo. The Niño wears a dark colored coat with fringes, black pants, golden polo and boots, a military hat of a grobernadorcillo, his left hand holding a globus cruciger while his right hand is in a gesture of blessing. The face of the image has a lovely yet authoritative expression.

The original image of Sto. Niño de Tribunal
The origin of the devotion

The devotion to Santo Niño de Tribunal began in 1720 yet it wasn't clear how the image and its devotion came to Paete, Laguna yet it is believed that it is the oldest image of Santo Niño in Paete.

The title "Santo Niño de Tribunal" gives us a hint that this image could have been enthroned in the old tribunal (municipal office in our modern lexicon) of Paete and was dressed as a gobernadorcillo de naturales during the Spanish regime to signify that Jesus Christ is the eternal mayor of the town. The image was soon enthroned in the parish and it is said that the image has its own retablo.

The Santo Niño de Tribunal soon gained more devotional following over the centuries. Through the course of time, numerous traditions sprung up to express the people's devotion to Señor Santo Niño de Tribunal from Masses offered to Him, the festive fiestas, a tereestrial and a fluvial procession and the traditional Salibanda. The "Salibanda" (the term coined from "Saliw ng banda" where the image of the Santo Niño is taken to the nearby river accompanied by the devotees and a musical band to bathe the image to ask for his divine help for good harvest and blessings. This pious practice became known in the area that its neighboring town of Pakil (famous for it Patroness, Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de Turumba) are also performing the said ritual every feast of the Santo Niño.

The new image of Santo Niño de Tribunal
The decline and revival efforts

In the course of time, the devotion to the Santo Niño de Tribunal due to some circumstances. The family who was assigned as the recamadero of the original image took the image with them when they moved to Caloocan City. At that time, most of the population of Paete and other neighboring towns in Laguna are moving to Metro Manila to seek better opportunities in the Capitol.

It was to this circumstance that led to the decline of the devotion to the Santo Niño de Tribunal. Although the original image is no longer in Paete, the traditions surrounding it continued yet the faithful are hoping for the miraculous patron's return. As of this writing, the original image is still in the family's custody in Caloocan City.

Years later, 2020 marked an important milestone to the devotion to Santo Niño de Tribunal for it was this year that the image and its devotion marked its 300th anniversary. The Sodalidad del Señor Santo Niño initiated the revival of the devotion to Santo Niño de Tribunal with the celebration of the third centennial jubilee in honor of Santo Niño de Tribunal. On January 18, 2020, the national liturgical feast of the Santo Niño, a beautiful replica of the holy image that was blessed and was reintroduced to the faithful of Paete.

Sto. Niño de Tribunal in procession
The devotion at present

Through the efforts of the Solidalidad, the devotion to Santo Niño de Tribunal is gradually gaining momentum as of this writing. As of today, a special altar was set up for the new image of Santo Niño de Tribunal for the veneration of the faithful and the faithful of Paete once again implore His help once again, just like what their ancestors did 300 years ago.

We are currently in this era of our Catholic faith that some of the lost and almost forgotten devotions are being revived and it seems that these revivals are not merely coincidental.

If we are going to look at it with the eyes of faith, it is just appropriate that such need to happen, in this case, the revival of the devotion to Santo Niño de Tribunal came just in time when our country is in a middle of political and religious uncertainties. What the Santo Niño de Tribunal tells us that He is still our King and ruler of all nations and we must do what he teaches and live a holy life, so that our society will be in order and be in tune to His will.

Santo Niño de Tribunal, Reign over us and have mercy on us!


"Ang Señor Sto. Niño de Tribunal, Gobernadorcillo ng Bayan ng Paete (1720-2020)", St. James the Great Parish, Paete, Laguna (unpublished manuscript).
Africano, Cornelio (1990), "Paete, Bayang Masining, Bayang Pinoy", Paete, Laguna.


Cabansay, Charles - Sodalidad del Señor Sto. Niño, St. James the Great Parish, Paete, Laguna
Muega, Enzo - St. James the Great Parish, Paete, Laguna


Cabansay, Charles - Sodalidad del Señor Sto. Niño, St. James the Great Parish, Paete, Laguna
Muega, Enzo - St. James the Great Parish, Paete, Laguna

Special thanks to Mr. Enzo Muega and Mr. Charles Cabansay for shedding light and retelling the history of Santo Niño de Tribunal of Paete, Laguna and for the photographs used in this blogpost.



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