San Ramon Nonato de Moncada - The Holy Patron of Moncada, Tarlac

San Ramon Nonato de Moncada
In the municipality of Moncada in the province of Tarlac, where its thriving economy is primarily based on agriculture with rice, corn, vegetables, root crops, watermelons, mangoes are its major products, the faith of the people will always be part of their history and culture, most especially their devotion to San Ramon Nonato, a Mercedarian Saint and famous for its patronage on motherhood, alongside St. Gerard Majella of the Redemptorist Congregation.

The image

The image of San Ramon Nonato de Moncada is a de vestir image of St. Raymond Nonnatus with a dark skinned complexion standing on a simple base. San Ramon is garbed with the choir dress for a Cardinal, holds a Monstrance anda palm. The image was carved with primitive looking eyes and facial features and wears a halo.

St. Raymond Nonnatus
The Life of St. Raymond Nonnatus

St. Raymond was born at Portella, Catalonia, Spain. He was delivered by caesarean operation when his mother died in childbirth. Hence his name "Nonnatus" (not born). He joined the Mercedarians under St. Peter Nolasco at Barcelona. He succeeded Peter as chief ransomer and went to Algeria to ransom slaves. He remained as hostage for several slaves when his money ran out and was sentenced to be impaled when the governor learned that he had converted several Mohammedans. He escaped the death sentence because of the ransom he would bring, but was forced to run the gauntlet. He was then tortured for continuing his evangelizing activities but was ransomed eight months later by Peter Nolasco.

On his return to Barcelona in 1239, he was appointed Cardinal by Pope Gregory IX, but died at Cardona a short distance from Barcelona the next year while on the way to Rome. He was canonized in 1657. He is the patron saint of expectant mothers and midwives because of the nature of his own birth. Although his mother died in labor, Raymond miraculously survived the ordeal. His feast day is August 31.

San Ramon Nonato de Moncada

The devotion to San Ramon Nonato in Moncanda began when a farmer found in what is now Brgy Tubectubang. a black wooden bust of a man, which believed to be part of a "santo" (holy image) the farmer brought the image to the local Spanish priest for identification. The fraile examined it and exclaimed "Este es el rebulto de San Ramon Nonato" (This is the image of San Ramon Nonato). Don Vicente Tintiangco contacted the finder.

For certain remuneration the farmer willingly gave the bust to Don Vicente for care and Safekeeping. Don Vicente then hired a sculptor to supply the missing torso and legs and engaged a seamstress to sew a maroon Habito for the statue.

The Original image of Apo San Ramon Nonato is now under the care of the Mendoza Family where the image is permanently enshrined and where passing devotees would drop by to light candles and offer prayers. When the parish was established, a replica of Apo San Ramon with fair skin was commission for the parish for veneration of the faithful.

The  Church image of San Ramon Nonato de Moncada
The devotion at present

The devotion to San Ramon Nonato continues to be an integral part in the lives of the people of Moncada, Tarlac. When the month of August approaches, the replica of Apo San Ramon is being toured around in Moncada's barangays, schools, government institutions and other places under the jurisdiction of the parish. His Feast day, August 31 is kept and observed with much solemnity. Expectant mothers would borrow the chord wprn by the original image to ask for his help for a safe childbirth.

San Ramo's life speaks us in several ways. First, he faced pressure from his family and friends to do “more” with his life, studies and connections. We’ve also felt that pressure to do “more” than “just” be a person that we wanted to be.

Yet if we accept God's call, just as San Ramon did, we find happiness and peace that we never knew existed. For this, he even risked his life and came close to martyrdom for the sake of charity and love of neighbor.

San Ramon Nonato de Moncada, Ipanalangin mo kami!


Butler, Alban, Lives of the Saints, TAN Books, USA, 2020.


Aquino, Christoffer Denzell, SHMI
Gascon, Ian


Aquino, Christoffer Denzell, SHMI

Special thanks to Bro.  Christopher Denzell Aquino, SHMI for the photographs and resources regarding San Ramon Nonato of Moncada, Tarlac that was used for this blogpost. 


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