Santo Cristo del Perdon - Pampanga's Holy Redeemer

Santo Cristo del Perdon
We have already featured in this blogpost the role of the Virgen de los Remedios de Pampanga on stopping the spread of communism to the province of Pampanga after it posed a threat after the Second world War through the initiative of the late Bishop Cesar Ma. Guerro of then Diocese of San Fernando and his Crusade. Now we are going to feature the story of the image of Santo Cristo del Perdon that accompanies the Virgin up to the present to bring the message of faith, hope and charity.

The image

The venerable image of Santo Cristo del Perdon is a de talado image of Our Lord Jesus Christ crucified on the Cross. The Cross is a round logged type which a unique feature for such in the country and it is decorated with metal accessories from rayos on the four inner corners of the cross, the 3 ends coverings and the "INRI". The corpus also sports metal tres potencias and crown of thorns.

Santo Cristo del Perdon in procession
The origins

Due to the success of the first round of the Crusade, on November 23, 1954, a new decree of the Crusade was issued that the crusade will be renamed to "Crusade of Penance and Charity." The image of the Santo Cristo del Perdon was added to accompany the procession to inspire repentance of sins and renewal of life among the people.

Seven Caballeros de Cristo were appointed. Processions of the Crusade were accompanied by seven symbolical lanterns. The Caballeros de Cristo took turns in carrying the image of the Crucified Christ. Number seven was agin chosen by the Bishop Guerrero to signify the seven Archangels who adore the Triune God.

A successful Crusade 

The Bishop, with full confidence in the Mother of God and her Son who is always ready to come to the aid of people, inaugurated the Crusade of Charity and Goodwill. Missions and catechesis were given, Holy Masses were celebrated, priests patiently waited for peninents for confessions, rosary was prayed for twenty four hours, “lamac” kept on multiplying immensely, the love and concern for the poor flourished.

Santo Cristo del Perdon with Virgen de los
Remedios de Pampanga on the Virgin's
Canonical Coronation anniversary
It was through these that peace in Pampanga was restored, and faith grew and was strengthened because of the constant prayers and penance of the people of the province. Her transfer from one town to town to another was inspiring manifestation of the people’s devotion. Solemn processions voluntarily attended by the majority of the townspeople accompanied her as she brought from one town to the next. All these were attributed through the intercession of the Virgen de los Remedios and the Santo Cristo del Perdon gained meaningful importance in the life of the Capampangans.

The devotion

The devotion to the Santo Cristo del Prdon flourished and kept alive in the recent years and he continues to accompany His mother to spread the Good News to the Kapampangans. The image at present is enshrined at the Archdiocesan Chancery Chapel in San Fernando, Pampanga, along with the Virgen de los Remedios. Fridays are dedicated for the devotion to the Santo Cristo and he also accompany the Virgin on the annual commemoration of the her Canonical Coronation every September 8.


Espiritu, Charles Henry C. (2009), "History of the Crusade of Penance and Charity and the Canonical Coronation of Virgen de Los Remedios", University of the Assumption Press, Pampanga.

Credits to the owners of the photos that were utilized on this blogpost. 


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